On average 622 calories are burned per hour whilst playing futsal. Futsal Elite’s futsal session provide a fun and sociable way to get in shape and stay there!
Playing regular futsal reduces your risk of heart disease and will also lower your cholesterol.
Meet new people. Enjoy socialising after each session with the group over a well deserved drink!
Playing futsal comes with high levels of satisfaction and psychological reward. Despite the body having to work hard, the mind is more relaxed and there is a reduction in stress. Due to the continuous thinking and decision making that goes on in futsal, participants are more likely to develop a long-term enthusiasm for exercise.
Futsal is very economical, safe, simple and fun to play. Just by playing futsal you will develop precise ball control, technique, skill agility and fantastic decision making.As futsal is fast paced and action packed, fitness will improve dramatically in a short period of time.