Joseph Hood Primary School



The Joseph Hood Futsal club will take place off-site at Melbury college- Whatley Campus situated directly next to the Joseph Hood. The process will be as follows:

  • Children will be collected by Futsal-Elite coaching staff from Joseph Hood at 3:10pm.
  • Children will be escorted to Melbury college – Whatley Campus’s sports hall via the shared access gate connected to Joseph Hood.
  • Students will then be dismissed from Melbury college- Whatley Campus’s main entrance and not Joseph Hood school.
  • Those pupils that are booked into the afterschool club will then be escorted back to Joseph Hood to be dropped off at the afterschool club.

When signing up, we will request your consent to approve full ownership of your child for the duration of the club.
Please direct any questions or queries to us directly rather than the school (Joseph Hood).


Every Thursday 3:10pm – 4:30pm

January: 9th,16th, 23rd & 30th
February: 6th,13th & 27th
March: 6th,13th,20th & 27th

Booking is for all 11 sessions. There is a strict NO Refunds policy. Trial session available.

What to bring:

  1. full P.E kit/football kit,
  2. clothing suitbale for cold or wet weather
  3. flat shoes or football boots
  4. plenty of water.

Add Futsal-Elite Embroided T-Shirt

Add A Water Bottle

Total: £82.50

SKU: N/A Category: Product ID: 14290

Additional information

Select Option

Afterschool club, Afterschool club + Water bottle


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